Category: Blogging

  • Writing as catharsis…

    Not everyone is running out of time in their own mind; but we all are. From 1997 to 2002 I wrote a decent amount every day- even had something that resembled a blog for some thought, and an e-mail list for religious musings. However something happened when I went to college and writing took a…

  • 2013 :: Year in Review

    2013 was an interesting year. My wife and I had a lot of good and some not so good things go on; she got full time at her job, my company moved to Irvine, I got injured and had back surgery, and we adopted a horse. The move from LA to Irvine has been great…

  • Writing Template

    I’ve been using a modified writing template form a few sources, but the Evernote section comes from here. I would venture that a lot of writers follow similar steps; especially those that have been using blogging software for a long time (I used to use MarsEdit, too). But the straight up template and my variations…

  • Every new beginning…

    Greetings and welcome to this, the innumerable time I try to get myself to write more and keep to it. In the now over 15 years I’ve spent writing things for various website and incarnations of my own “blog” like platforms I’ve realized a few things; chief among them that when I first started writing…