Greetings and welcome to this, the innumerable time I try to get myself to write more and keep to it. In the now over 15 years I’ve spent writing things for various website and incarnations of my own “blog” like platforms I’ve realized a few things; chief among them that when I first started writing I was beyond horrible, I’ve now creeped up to just horrible. I’ve built up a very large archive of drivel that I don’t really wish on anyone, though from time to time I may “republish” a post or story.
I’ve gone through several blog titles in the past: tks (the kitchen sink), peanut gallery, blog, musing in a half shell, etc. The original idea behind “tks” was to comment on the things I didn’t see other people talking about; everyone else talked about everything “except” the kitchen sink, or so the sang goes. I came to find that I didn’t always have time for such things and instead it turned in to random musings. This time I’ll keep the name for personal nostalgia, but with a very different purpose. This time the cliche of “write what you know” is more guiding my steps.
To be clear, this is not a New Year’s resolution of some kind, though it is coming at that time of year. My current job has been given me many days off during this holiday season, giving me time to catch up in other areas of my life and allow me the luxury of figuring out things I’d like to do going forward. To that end there are a few things I’d like to cover in my writings going forward:
Programing code & design
Trombone playing & philosophy
Gaming- digital, analog, design & implementation
Writing- musings on other and short stories of my own
Socio Political issues (not politics)
Physical Activity- my own and others
In the day and age of personal “branding” when looking for a job, or even when trying to be an authority on a subject, some of these topics/ideas may be inflammatory and damaging in some people’s eyes: oh well, my apologies. They might as well know now what my views are instead of three months in to a job that I’ve budgeted for six months, costing me said job.
For an overview post 432 words isn’t really all that many; and it’s easy to do on a day when there are no other real distractions. The real test is going to be int six months: am I still posting daily, weekly, semi-weekly, monthly, at all? Only time will tell.
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