Author: tekton

  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Ending

    DS9 is probably my favorite Star Trek show; I really wish they had done at least one movie with that crew. I recently re-watched the ending and, I know this will cause some to declare heretic, it’s probably the best done ending of all the shows. The next closest is TNG, and that’s something to…

  • 2013 :: Year in Review

    2013 was an interesting year. My wife and I had a lot of good and some not so good things go on; she got full time at her job, my company moved to Irvine, I got injured and had back surgery, and we adopted a horse. The move from LA to Irvine has been great…

  • heroku, nginx, Python, Gunicorn, and Django

    I just had to do this for a project at work and realized there wasn’t a lot of good direction out there for how to do it; here’s a minimal approach to getting you working with nginx in front of django requests via gunicorn. Most of the work is really done by ryandotsmith, this is…

  • I’m not dead yet…

    Not dead yet, just debating on what I want to write on and/or do; plus a really busy work schedule. I am coming up on one year of trying to get in better shape spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. So far I feel partially successful at all of them, but not really high on any…

  • VirtualBox Note To Self

    I make new VM’s all the time, and keep forgetting the commands to install guest addition: sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-additions sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-dkms

  • FTL: Fastest To Lose?

    FTL has a cool RNG based nature; it’s also its downfall I feel. Many people have been playing, streaming, praising, and damning this game for months. I finished it a few months ago but forgot to note it, so I picked it up again while recovering from surgery. Easy went down fast, it’s amazing how…

  • Scribblenauts Limited

    The original Scribblenauts was amazing; couldn’t put it down! I had decent hopes for Unlimited, but knew better than tot expect the same game with new levels even if its what I really wanted. What I ended up staring at on load wasn’t what I was expecting at all though. Instead of “levels” it was…

  • And yet it moves…boringly…

    I got through “And Yet It Moves…” (AYIM) while I’ve been stuck unable to move post surgery. The game starts pretty creative, but the novelty wears off pretty quick. Unlike Portal which changes things up and keeps you in with the narrative AYIM just gets more and more convoluted with every passing level. I don’t…

  • Back Surgery Sucks

    In case anyone was wondering, back surgery and its related recovery sucks. That will teach me to try to train for a 10k and lose this much body fat!

  • Dungeons of Dreadmore

    It’s like Rogue with graphics! And music. And pseudo-talent trees. Most importantly though, it’s Rogue with graphics. That really does sum this game up. It has some humor and the crafting part is a bit entertaining. The crafting is what really sets it apart for me though and is what will bring me back to playing…