Category: Time Commitments

  • Writing as catharsis…

    Not everyone is running out of time in their own mind; but we all are. From 1997 to 2002 I wrote a decent amount every day- even had something that resembled a blog for some thought, and an e-mail list for religious musings. However something happened when I went to college and writing took a…

  • 2013 :: Year in Review

    2013 was an interesting year. My wife and I had a lot of good and some not so good things go on; she got full time at her job, my company moved to Irvine, I got injured and had back surgery, and we adopted a horse. The move from LA to Irvine has been great…

  • Time Commitments: Working Out

    For the last year or so I’ve been dedicated 15 to 90 minutes a day to “working out” either in the gym or in my apartment. I’ve lost a bit of size in the mean time and gained a lot of health. I’ve also gained a lot of new clothes since none of my old…

  • Time Commitments: Writing

    The closest thing to a “New Years Resolution” for me was to start writing more. This seemed more doable when I was basically on vacation; the real wold of time and commitments hasn’t been as nice or forgiving. In some ways I should probably be good with that as it means that I get to do…

  • Time Commitments: Basketball

    In an effort to diversify myself a bit I’ve joined a basketball team. At 6′ and 260lbs I’m not the most agile one on the court, but I’m slowly learning how to throw my weight around a bit. It’s made getting rebounds a bit easier at times; people tend to knock themselves off their trajectory…

  • Stargate Universe – Good, Bad, Ugly

    For the most part I’ve been a very casual StarGate fan. Claudia Black and Ben Browder going to SG1 made me watch it a little more, but even then I just couldn’t justify the time commitment. Atlantis was entertaining at times, but never really caught my attention. And then there was Universe; if anything was…

  • Television

    I watch one show every week and make sure not to miss it: Castle. I’ve slowly added in Suits. Burn Notice used to be in that category but has declined recently sadly, same with Parenthood. Once Upon a Time has caught my attention more this season; I stopped last season about half way through since…

  • Time Commitments

    Recently I decided to map out my week and have a table for time vs percentage and another of ideal; my ideal schedule I still haven’t really come up with, but documenting what a “normal” week looks like was hard enough in its own right. Looking at my schedule over the last couple of years…