Not everyone is running out of time in their own mind; but we all are. From 1997 to 2002 I wrote a decent amount every day- even had something that resembled a blog for some thought, and an e-mail list for religious musings. However something happened when I went to college and writing took a back seat to other pursuits for many reasons. But the world is wide enough for my various hobbies and recently I have been inspired to re-engage that part of my mid tier brain to get back to the written word. Tonight writing two full pages in my notebook was a welcome return to form.
Three years ago I wrote enough code to bring systems in to existence you’d think I really was running out of time. Then last year I did. I saw what my life was without the pressure of writing code or prose and it wasn’t comfortable or enjoyable. It’s a feeling that I look forward to getting back to. Not all writing is prose after all, and code is art.
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